
Strategy 2030
Video: SP2030 Principal video
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Strategy 2030

I am delighted to share our strategy for the next decade. On the following pages we have outlined our plans for the future, and you will see that our direction is led by a distinctive, honest and realistic set of guiding principles and goals.

Our vision to deliver excellence in 2030 is rooted in our values, with a focus on four key areas: people, research, teaching and learning, and social and civic responsibility.

In learning about our bold strategy for the future, I hope you will be inspired to join our efforts and help us to bring these plans to fruition.

Professor Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor

Students relaxing in the Royal Botanic Garden with 澳门彩开奖历史记录 city centre and the Pentland Hills in the background.

Learn how our vision, purpose and values will shape our priorities for the next 10 years.

Silhouette of a man against the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, Switzerland

We have more than 400 years of excellence behind us. Working together, we can make the next 400 years even better.

To make the greatest impact we will focus on four key areas, each shaped by our values.

Students chatting in the Potterrow Student Centre

A number of key programmes are currently underway to support Strategy 2030 in each of our four key areas of focus.

A group of people viewing the digital display of the Virtual Cadaver system

By 2030 we will be able to demonstrate the success of our strategy in a variety聽of ways.

Two people sitting having a conversation.

Play your part

This is your Strategy and everyone can contribute to its successful delivery.

Play your part